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Letra de Purify

Letra de la canción Purify interpreteda por Placebo


Letra de la canción Purify interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Loud like love
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Loud like love

Letra de la canción:

Spacial awareness. So much confusion.

And it's so difficult to harness,

but then I look at you, nimble and righteous

and then I look at the floor: we made a fine mess.

My kiss, can you feel it yet? In the back of your legs?

And on the nape of your neck?

Are you a temple? Are you a temptress?

There's too much choice, the possibilities are endless.

So wash away my sins, give me catharsis!

We magnetize my moral compass.

My kiss, can you feel it yet? In the back of your legs?

And on the nape of your neck?

Your touch, I cannot regret!

I love the shape of your mouth and the back of your head.

You're so my kind.

Erotic and divine!

I gotta testify to how you purify.

To me you're more than a human.

You're more complex.

You're like a fallen angel.

Who use its god as a hat!

My kiss, can you feel it yet? In the back of your legs?

And on the nape of your neck?

Your touch, I cannot regret!

I love the shape of your mouth and the back of your head.

You're so my kind.

Erotic and divine!

I gotta testify to how you purify.

La canción Purify esta incluida en el disco Loud like love de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Purify esta en el disco Loud like love de Placebo.
Si que conocer más de Placebo podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Placebo, o su discografía.
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