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Letra de Bosco

Letra de la canción Bosco interpreteda por Placebo


Letra de la canción Bosco interpretada por Placebo. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Loud like love
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Interprete: Placebo
Disco: Loud like love

Letra de la canción:

I love you more than any man, but something's getting in the way.

I do you harm because I can for the second time today.

Victims we are not of happenstance, but you're a victim all the same.

Stuck inside a circumstance with your confusion and your blame.


And when I get drunk, you take me home and keep me safe from harm.

When I get drunk, you take me home.

I ask you for another second chance, but then I drink it all away.

And I get bellicose when you react for the frustration and dismay.

I was so delicate when we began, so tender when I spoke your name.

But now I'm nothing but a partisan to my compulsion and my shame.


You know, I'm grateful - I appreciate.

But in fact, it's pitiful how I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

I love you more than any man, but I seem to lay it all to waste.

I do you harm because I can with a joke in questionable taste.

I've such duplicity at my command, so I keep on lying to your face,

then I run away to wonderland, and disappear without trace.


You know, I'm grateful - I appreciate.

But, in fact, it's pitiful how I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you dry.

How I suck you.

La canción Bosco esta incluida en el disco Loud like love de Placebo. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Bosco esta en el disco Loud like love de Placebo.
Si que conocer más de Placebo podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Placebo, o su discografía.
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