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Letra de Strut

Letra de la canción Strut interpreteda por Lenny Kravitz


Letra de la canción Strut interpretada por Lenny Kravitz. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Strut
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Interprete: Lenny Kravitz
Disco: Strut

Letra de la canción:

Baby do you know who I think you are?

You are a dream, you are a star

So let it out, bringing home a scene

And show the world exactly what you mean

Baby strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Show me how you work, strut

When you lay it down, how you hurt me so

No need to stop, baby go, go, go

You are a freak of nature by the way you move

Just be yourself, you got nothing to prove

Baby strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Show me how you work

This is a chance for you to go berserk baby

Strut, strut, strut, strut

When you feel the need, the need to express

Whether it be pain or happiness

Take it to the street, cause it is your stage

Just be yourself, and bust out of your cage

Baby strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Let me see you work, strut, strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Let me see you work

This is your chance for you to go berserk

Baby strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Let me see you work

This is your chance for you to go berserk

Baby strut

Let me see you walk, strut

Let your body talk, strut

Let me see you work

This is your chance for you to go berserk

Baby strut

La canción Strut esta incluida en el disco Strut de Lenny Kravitz. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Strut esta en el disco Strut de Lenny Kravitz.
Si que conocer más de Lenny Kravitz podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Lenny Kravitz, o su discografía.
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