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Letra de Last Party

Letra de la canción Last Party interpreteda por Mika

Last Party

Letra de la canción Last Party interpretada por Mika. Este tema esta incluído en el disco No Place In Heaven
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Interprete: Mika
Disco: No Place In Heaven

Letra de la canción:

There's a party going on in here

It's been happening for many years

You weren't invited and don't want to stay

But keep partying anyway

DJ's playing the familiar tune

Got them dancing, shaking up the room

They hear the beat but they don't know the words

This is the saddest song I've ever heard

If you could look into the future, would ya?

if you could see it, would you even want to?

Got a feeling that there's bad news coming

But I don't want to find it out

If it's the end of the world let's party

Like it's the end of the world let's party

Wrap your arms around everybody

If we're all gonna die let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Who can I blame with everything I've done

Is this the price we pay for too much fun

Don't be misled it's not a twist of fate

It's just what happens when you stay out late

So raise your glasses all my kings and queens

Smash the chandelier to smithereens

Who knew that mercury could rise so fast

Enjoy the party 'cause this is our last

If you could look into the future, would ya?

if you could see it, would you even want to?

Got a feeling that there's bad news coming

But I don't want to find it out

If it's the end of the world let's party

Like it's the end of the world let's party

Wrap your arms around everybody

If we're all gonna die let's party

If it's the end of the world let's party

Like it's the end of the world let's party

Wrap your arms around everybody

If we're all gonna die let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

Let's party

There's a party going on in here

It's been happening for many years

And even if it all goes bad

It was the best time we ever had

La canción Last Party esta incluida en el disco No Place In Heaven de Mika. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Last Party esta en el disco No Place In Heaven de Mika.
Si que conocer más de Mika podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Mika, o su discografía.
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