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Letra de Villa Rosie

Letra de la canción Villa Rosie interpreteda por Blur

Villa Rosie

Letra de la canción Villa Rosie interpretada por Blur. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Modern Life Is Rubbish
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Interprete: Blur
Disco: Modern Life Is Rubbish

Letra de la canción:

Practise doesn't make perfect when you're interbreeding

speaking drivel can it get confused with heavy breathing

mixing drinks at water holes get snarled up in the suburbs

meandering through this and that you are suspected of vagueness

when work is done, go to villa rosie every night (we're waiting)

so form a queue at villa rosie every night (so tasty)

across the common every day you come across the fine line

but wearing boots can prevent the leeches in the long grass

eating between meals stifles the appetite is it healthy

coming home that nagging doubt there in your belly

and all the while at villa rosie every night (we're tasting)

a sweeter life at villa rosie every night (so tasty)

all loosers come to villa rosie every night (we're waiting)

so form a queue at villa rosie every night (so tasty)

don't break your back at villa rosie every night (we're tasting)

a sweeter life at villa rosie every night (so tasty)

La canción Villa Rosie esta incluida en el disco Modern Life Is Rubbish de Blur. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Villa Rosie esta en el disco Modern Life Is Rubbish de Blur.
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