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Letra de The Universal

Letra de la canción The Universal interpreteda por Blur

The Universal

Letra de la canción The Universal interpretada por Blur. Este tema esta incluído en el disco The Great Escape
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Interprete: Blur
Disco: The Great Escape

Letra de la canción:

This is the next century

Where the Universal's free

You can find it anywhere

Yes, the future's been sold

Every night we're gone

And to karaoke songs

How we like to sing along

'Though the words are wrong

It really, really, really could happen

Yes, it really, really, really could happen

When the days they seem to fall through you

Well, just let them go

No-one here is alone

Satellite's in every home

Yes, the Universal's here

Here for everyone

Every paper that you read

Says tomorrow's your lucky day

Well, here's your lucky day

It really, really, really could happen

Yes, it really, really, really could happen

If the days they seem to fall through you

Well, just let them go

La canción The Universal esta incluida en el disco The Great Escape de Blur. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Universal esta en el disco The Great Escape de Blur.
Si que conocer más de Blur podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Blur, o su discografía.
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