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Letra de Let Down

Letra de la canción Let Down interpreteda por Radiohead

Let Down

Letra de la canción Let Down interpretada por Radiohead. Este tema esta incluído en el disco OK Computer
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Interprete: Radiohead
Disco: OK Computer

Letra de la canción:

Transport, motorways and tram lines

Starting and then stopping, taking off and landing

The emptiest of feelings disappointed people

clinging onto bottles and

When it comes its so so disappointing

Let down and hanging around

Crushed like a bug in the ground

Let down and hanging around

Shell smashed, juices flowing wings twitch,

legs are going

Don't get sentimental, it always ends up drivel

One day I'm going to grow wings

A chemical reaction,

hysterical and useless hysterical and

Let down and hanging around

Crushed like a bug in the ground

Let down and hanging around let down again

You know, you know where you are with you,

know where you are

With floor collapses floating,

bouncing back and one day

I am gonna grow wings

A chemical reaction,

hysterical and useless hysterical and

Let down and hanging around

Crushed like a bug in the ground

Let down and hanging around

La canción Let Down esta incluida en el disco OK Computer de Radiohead. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Let Down esta en el disco OK Computer de Radiohead.
Si que conocer más de Radiohead podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Radiohead, o su discografía.
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