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Letra de Climbing up the Walls

Letra de la canción Climbing up the Walls interpreteda por Radiohead

Climbing up the Walls

Letra de la canción Climbing up the Walls interpretada por Radiohead. Este tema esta incluído en el disco OK Computer
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Interprete: Radiohead
Disco: OK Computer

Letra de la canción:

I am the key to the lock in your house,

that keeps your toys in the basement

And if you get too far inside,

you'll only see my reflection

It's always best when the light is off,

I am the pick in the ice

Do not cry out or hit the alarm,

we're friends till we die

And either way you turn,

I'll be there, open up your skull

I'll be there, climbing up the walls

It's always best when the light is off,

it's always better on the outside

Fifteen blows to the back of my head,

fifteen blows to your mind

So tuck the kids in safe tonight,

shut the eyes in the cupboard

So not cry out or hit the alarm,

you'll get the loneliest feeling

That either way you turn,

I'll be there, open up your skull

I'll be there, climbing up the walls

Climb up the walls. climb up the walls

La canción Climbing up the Walls esta incluida en el disco OK Computer de Radiohead. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Climbing up the Walls esta en el disco OK Computer de Radiohead.
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