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Letra de The Rain

Letra de la canción The Rain interpreteda por Roxette

The Rain

Letra de la canción The Rain interpretada por Roxette. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Tourism
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Interprete: Roxette
Disco: Tourism

Letra de la canción:

I was raised the northern way

and my father had a northern name,

I did my crying out in the pouring rain.

And a season turned into another one,

I found a heart bright like the morning sun.

He touched my lips,

so softly, with his fingertips.

But I kept the rain

falling down on me

all the time, all the time.

I kept the rain

falling down on me

all the time, all the time.

And some things in life won't ever change,

there's a smell of a rusty chain

and of love disappearing like an aeroplane.

I've kept the rain

falling down on me

all the time, all the time.

I've kept the rain

falling down on me

all the time, all the time,

all of the time.


I kept the rain falling down on me,

falling, falling down.

La canción The Rain esta incluida en el disco Tourism de Roxette. Información y letras del disco.
La canción The Rain esta en el disco Tourism de Roxette.
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