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Letra de Hollywood

Letra de la canción Hollywood interpreteda por The Cranberries


Letra de la canción Hollywood interpretada por The Cranberries. Este tema esta incluído en el disco To the Faithful Departed
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Interprete: The Cranberries
Disco: To the Faithful Departed

Letra de la canción:

I've got a picture in my head (in my head)

It's me and you , we are in bed (we are in bed)

You'll always be there when I call (when I call)

You'll always be there most of all (all, all, all)

This is not Hollywood

like I understood

This is not Hollywood

like, like, like

This is not Hollywood,

like I understood

This is not Hollywood

like, like, like

Away, runaway, is there anybody there

Away, runaway, is there anybody there

Get away, get away, get away

Get away, get away, get away

I've got a picture in my room, (in my room)

I will return there I presume. (should be soon)

The greatest irony of all, (shoot the wall)

It's not so glamorous at all (at all at all)

This is not Hollywood

like I understood

This is not Hollywood

like, like, like

This is not Hollywood

like I understood

This is not Hollywood

like, like, like

Runaway, runaway, is there anybody there

Runaway, runaway, is there anybody there

Get away, get away, Get away

Get away, get away, Get away

This is not Hollywood

(Runaway) This is not Hollywood

La canción Hollywood esta incluida en el disco To the Faithful Departed de The Cranberries. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Hollywood esta en el disco To the Faithful Departed de The Cranberries.
Si que conocer más de The Cranberries podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por The Cranberries, o su discografía.
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Comentarios sobre Hollywood
Comentario de Evelyn (26/10/2007 01:44)
Hollywood es la mejor cancion rockera!!!!!!!! es buenisima! ese sonido crudo, duro de esas guitarras junto a la fantastica voz de Dolores....tremenda!!!!!!!!!!...sin palabras!!!!!!!!! Que lastima, que..."Ver comentario completo