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Letra de Sorry Son

Letra de la canción Sorry Son interpreteda por The Cranberries

Sorry Son

Letra de la canción Sorry Son interpretada por The Cranberries. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Bury the Hatchet
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Interprete: The Cranberries
Disco: Bury the Hatchet

Letra de la canción:

Sorry son, this is what I've done

This is what I've done

It was a long sad supper without you

I had to be cruel to be kind

We have to leave the past behind

La la la

And isn't it strange how people can change

And isn't it weird how people I feared

They all seem worthless now

I will ride on my bicycle,

I ride thinking of you

As I'm riding on my tricycle,

I ride

I see the sun in the trees,

and I feel the psychedelic breeze

And I see the sun in the trees,

and I feel the psychedelic breeze

Sorry son, this is what I've done

This is what I've done

It was a long sad supper without you

Please don't hold me responsible

I tried and tried

It wasn't the same without my brain

It wasn't a game, it wasn't a game

Oh not now

I will ride on my bicycle,

I ride thinking of you

As I'm riding on my tricycle,

I ride

I see the sun in the trees,

and I feel the psychedelic breeze

I see the sun in the trees,

and I feel the psychedelic breeze

La la la

Sorry son

Oh I am so sorry son

La canción Sorry Son esta incluida en el disco Bury the Hatchet de The Cranberries. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Sorry Son esta en el disco Bury the Hatchet de The Cranberries.
Si que conocer más de The Cranberries podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por The Cranberries, o su discografía.
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