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Letra de Undercover agent for the blues

Letra de la canción Undercover agent for the blues interpreteda por Tina Turner

Undercover agent for the blues

Letra de la canción Undercover agent for the blues interpretada por Tina Turner. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Foreign Affair
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Interprete: Tina Turner
Disco: Foreign Affair

Letra de la canción:

He was my lover, he was working undercover

The fellow knew all of the moves

He really had me romping, bare footing stomping

He just kept igniting my fuse

He was blinded by the blackness of my long silk stocking

He would rock me with an optical illusion

And this ain’t how I thought it'd be

He just kept on keeping me in a state of total confusion

He took me for a ride

And rattled me down to my shoes

But I found out

He was an undercover agent for the blues

He never really needed love from any direction no

I was just an innocent bystander

He just kept getting kinkier, hook, line and sinker

Just too hot to handle

He took me by storm

It must have been a season for the fools

So bad

He was an undercover agent for the blues

He took me for a ride

And rattled me down to my shoes

But i found out

He was an undercover agent for the blues

La canción Undercover agent for the blues esta incluida en el disco Foreign Affair de Tina Turner. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Undercover agent for the blues esta en el disco Foreign Affair de Tina Turner.
Si que conocer más de Tina Turner podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Tina Turner, o su discografía.
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