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Letra de Twenty four seven

Letra de la canción Twenty four seven interpreteda por Tina Turner

Twenty four seven

Letra de la canción Twenty four seven interpretada por Tina Turner. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Twenty Four Seven
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Interprete: Tina Turner
Disco: Twenty Four Seven

Letra de la canción:

Some folks say there's a price on love

Watch your freedom go, watch your freedom go

Just can't breathe with your head in the glove

Watch your freedom go, baby I don't know

But how can they mean it

How come they give it up

How long until they see

The modern laws of lovin' don't apply to me

Twenty Four Seven, stay here with me

Twenty Four Seven, throw away the key

Twenty Four Seven, I don't wanna be free

You get by if you kiss and tell

Hear the people say, hear the people say

Two strong hearts gotta share one cell

Hear the people say but it ain't my way

How can they mean it

How come they add it up

I'll give my heart and my soul

If loving you is prison I don't need parol

Twenty Four Seven, stay here with me

Twenty Four Seven, throw away the key

Twenty Four Seven, I don't wanna be free, free, free

Twenty Four Seven, around the clock

Twenty Four Seven, I never want it to stop

Twenty Four Seven, mmmm, here with me

I'm gonna count the time

That you're gonna be mine

Seven days a week

Twenty four hours ain't enough for me

How can they mean it

How come they add it up

I'm gonna give my heart and my soul

If loving you is prison I don't need parol

Twenty four seven, stay here with me

Twenty four seven, throw away the key

Twenty four seven, I don't wanna be free, free, free

Twenty four seven, stay here with me, with me

Twenty four seven, throw away the key, the key

Twenty four seven, I wanna twenty four seven with you, you, you, you you,

Twenty four seven, non-stop love

Twenty four seven

Twenty four seven

I wanna twenty four seven

La canción Twenty four seven esta incluida en el disco Twenty Four Seven de Tina Turner. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Twenty four seven esta en el disco Twenty Four Seven de Tina Turner.
Si que conocer más de Tina Turner podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Tina Turner, o su discografía.
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