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Letra de Man in the street

Letra de la canción Man in the street interpreteda por The Rasmus

Man in the street

Letra de la canción Man in the street interpretada por The Rasmus. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Hell of a Tester
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Interprete: The Rasmus
Disco: Hell of a Tester

Letra de la canción:

I spin around ´n´ find myself again with a thought:

I´m just a man on the street.

You check it out, another lookalike

but he´s not me.

I know the places, I know the faces

´n´ I know that fact that the action is to go.

I´m satisfied with the tempo of the night, oh can´t you see?

Lights are blinking ´n´ I´m left thinking that I´m sinking into the groove of the night.

You habg around with me, and I´ll let you know,

The things that we can do, places we can go.

When the world is in her hands

Everthing´s complete.

When the world is in her hands

It´s everything I need.

She loves you all the same

Though black turns to white.

Oh yeah she´s generating love.

Do I have to answer? I´ll find another dancer,

I´m a man in the street.

To get your daily satisfaction

You´ve got to be greedy.

No time to settle down, no time to

push myself around.

I´m satisfied with the tempo of the night, oh can´t you see?

(Let me say)

Once again, I´ve got a feeling that

I´m dealing with the groove of the night.

Every move she does is generating love,

It´s in her veins, it´s in her blood.

(She´s generating love)

La canción Man in the street esta incluida en el disco Hell of a Tester de The Rasmus. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Man in the street esta en el disco Hell of a Tester de The Rasmus.
Si que conocer más de The Rasmus podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por The Rasmus, o su discografía.
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