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Letra de How does it feel

Letra de la canción How does it feel interpreteda por Avril Lavigne

How does it feel

Letra de la canción How does it feel interpretada por Avril Lavigne. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Under my skin
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Interprete: Avril Lavigne
Disco: Under my skin

Letra de la canción:

I´m not afraid of anything

I just need to know if I can breath

I don´t need much of anything

But suddenly, suddenly

I am small and the world is big

All around me is fast moving

Surrounded by so many things

But suddenly, suddenly


How does it feel, to be different from me?

Are we the same?

How does it feel, to be different from me?

Are we the same?

How does it feel?

I´m young, and I am free

But I get tired, and I get weak

I get lost, and I can´t sleep

But suddenly, suddenly



Would you come, my head

Would you cry with me;

Ahh, ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

Ahh, ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

ahh, ahh-ah

I am small and the world is big

But I´m not afraid of anything;

[Chorus x2]

[Ending (background)]

How does it feel [x2]

Different from me, different...

(ahh, ahh, ahh-ah;



ahh, ahh, ahh-ah;



La canción How does it feel esta incluida en el disco Under my skin de Avril Lavigne. Información y letras del disco.
La canción How does it feel esta en el disco Under my skin de Avril Lavigne.
Si que conocer más de Avril Lavigne podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Avril Lavigne, o su discografía.
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