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Letra de Murder

Letra de la canción Murder interpreteda por Ashlee Simpson


Letra de la canción Murder interpretada por Ashlee Simpson. Este tema esta incluído en el disco Bittersweet World
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Interprete: Ashlee Simpson
Disco: Bittersweet World

Letra de la canción:

I took a dose of your medicine,

I don't see what all the fuss is about,

'Cause i'm okay.

Soon you will see that I got the ability

To get my way.

So dont keep me in the dark

'Cause i'll find the light.

(Don't, don't, don't)

I said don't keep me in the dark

Because i'll find the light.

I was alone til I found Johnny

And he was a good boy

til he called me honey.

(No she didn't,

Yes she did)

I got a monkey on my back

He helpin' me get it off

He helpin' me get it off

So don't keep me in the dark

'Cause I'll find the light

(Find the light)

So don't keep me the the dark

'Cause I'll find the light

(Find the light)

Don't keep me the dark

Don't keep me the dark

(Rap interlude)

You make it so easy for me to cry

I'm your sunshine concubine

I got a monkey on my back

He helpin' me get it off


So don't keep in the dark,

'Cause i'll find the light


I got away with it

I got away with it

They say I get away with murder

They say I get away with murder

They say I get away with murder

They say I get away with murder

La canción Murder esta incluida en el disco Bittersweet World de Ashlee Simpson. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Murder esta en el disco Bittersweet World de Ashlee Simpson.
Si que conocer más de Ashlee Simpson podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Ashlee Simpson, o su discografía.
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