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Letra de Carpe Diem

Letra de la canción Carpe Diem interpreteda por Green Day

Carpe Diem

Letra de la canción Carpe Diem interpretada por Green Day. Este tema esta incluído en el disco ¡Uno!
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Interprete: Green Day
Disco: ¡Uno!

Letra de la canción:

Breaking in a sweat, like a bomb threat

Here's your silhouette fading out

Nothing left to lose, detonate the fuse

Another break in this blow out

Ain't it beautiful? So unusual?

Life's a guess and it's running out

Live in a cliche, gonna seize the day

Bottle rockets to celebrate

Carpe diem, a battle cry

Are we all too young to die?

Ask for reason and no reply

Are we all too young to die?

Making a living, making a killing

What's worth forgiving? A lie?

A blink of an eye, barely scraping by

Dominated by passer-bys

Feeling out of luck, when the traffic's stuck

And you're feeling so left behind

Getting off a binge, get a second wind

Another promise to make a change

Got a broken wing, hear the angel sing

When the single is out of range

Ain't it strange?

Carpe diem, a battle cry

Are we all too young to die?

Ask for reason and no reply

Are we all too young to die?

Making a living, making a killing

What's worth forgiving? A lie?

Making a living, making a killing

What's worth forgiving? A lie?

Carpe diem, a battle cry

Are we all too young to die?

Ask for reason and no reply

Are we all too young to die?

La canción Carpe Diem esta incluida en el disco ¡Uno! de Green Day. Información y letras del disco.
La canción Carpe Diem esta en el disco ¡Uno! de Green Day.
Si que conocer más de Green Day podés visitar su biografía, las letras de canciones interpretadas por Green Day, o su discografía.
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