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Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones de tus artistas preferidos.

Música: Letras de canciones

Letras de canciones ordenadas alfabeticamente. En cada letra podrás ver también la biografía y discografía del interprete. Participa y escribe un comentario de tus letras preferidas.
624 canciones con A | 63 páginas

Gwen Stefani

Rich girl

/ / If I was a Rich Girl / See, I´d have all the money in the world, if I was a wealthy girl / No man could test me, impress...

| 1333 visitas | 0 comentarios

Super Ratones


Ricky, / Atardeciendo en la orilla / Ricky, / Qué hay en tus ojos que brillan / Quisiera ser tu amigo / Y que me cuentes cómo...

| 1698 visitas | 0 comentarios


Ride The Lightning

/ Guilty as charged / But damn it, it ain't right / There's someone else controlling me / Death in the air / Strapped in...

| 2255 visitas | 0 comentarios

La Mancha de Rolando

Ríe por mí

Ella vino a rescatarme / Y para salvarme solo me llevó / De paseo por su espalda / Con estrellas sabias que alguien le tatuó / Nena...

| 36218 visitas | 1 comentarios

Jorge Drexler

Riéndose de mi

Tengo un pañuelo negro entre las manos / me miro tocando la sombra de sus pliegues / el blanco de la piel el humo embriagador...

| 2328 visitas | 0 comentarios

Franz Ferdinand

Right action

I come home, practically all is nearly forgiven / Right thoughts, right plans, right action / Almost everything could be...

| 2195 visitas | 0 comentarios

Gloria Estefan

Right Away

Those eyes / Took just one look and all that mattered disappeared / Your smile / It makes me feel like being nowhere else but...

| 1691 visitas | 0 comentarios

Bryan Adams

Right Back Where I Started From

/ You don't know what you got - until you lose it / And I can testify that that's the truth / I had it all and didn't know...

| 1624 visitas | 0 comentarios

Brandon Flowers

Right behind you

As by the door to get to Heaven / Seven trumpets big and bright / You hear it coming in the middle of the night / A caution...

| 1099 visitas | 0 comentarios


Right Between The Eyes

/ Don't care what they have to say / Why you listening to them anyway / Why do you have to give them what they want? / They...

| 1375 visitas | 0 comentarios

624 canciones con A | 63 páginas