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Canciones por Aerosmith

Letras de canciones interpretadas por Aerosmith

Aerosmith: Letras de canciones

Aerosmith comenzó cuando Steven Tyler formó una banda, 'The Strangers', en 1964, en Sunapee, un pequeño pueble de New Hampshire, donde tocaba la batería. Poco después, el nombre del grupo pasó a... Más...
115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas

Aerosmith | Disco: Rock In A Hard Place

Joanie's Butterfly

/ What a stormy night, when I met the pony, / It was so dark, that I could hardly see, / It smelled so sweet, you know who...

| 1721 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Just Push Play:

Just Push Play

/ She gave u a flower / The one that God gave her / U all up in de kool-aid / But u do not know de flavor / Get into the zone...

| 1582 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Draw The Line

Kings And Queens

/ long ago in days untold / were ruled by lords of greed / maidens fared with gold they dared / to bare their wombs that bleed / kings...

| 1774 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rocks

Last Child

/ I'm dreamin' tonight / I'm dreamin' back home / right! / Take me back to a south Tallahassee / Down cross the bridge to...

| 1550 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Music From Another Dimension

Legendary Child

Legendary child / I’ll tell you what I’m talking about / Making love at 17, yeah we had the luck / But we traded dem toys...

| 1676 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Done With Mirrors

Let The Music Do The Talking

/ rock-a-bye baby if you want to dance / grab yourself a body and take a chance / they say one time around is all you get / but...

| 1500 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rocks

Lick And A Promise

/ Johnny come lately on a Saturday night / singin' how-de-do / backstreet boogie in the house of delight / where they steal...

| 1364 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rockin' the Joint

Light Inside

/ ohhh yeah there's a place in no way outta sphere / do ya I want burn the midnight oil / does it fool ya when you think there's...

| 1609 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Rock In A Hard Place

Lightning Strikes

/ the boys and the dukes are ready to rumble / the word on the street some heads are gonna tumble / blades gonna flash when...

| 1553 visitas | 0 comentarios

Aerosmith | Disco: Get A Grip

Livin' On The Edge

/ There's something wrong with the world today / I don't know what it is / Something's wrong with our eyes / We're seeing...

| 3116 visitas | 0 comentarios

115 canciones de Aerosmith | 12 páginas